
PREVIEW - Moranego

Moranego currently sit 2nd in the Division B Group B table, 4 points clear of Dunfermline, who will make an attempt to reduce their arrears from the top-two, thus trying to approach the Excellence Playoffs berths.
The two sides have locked horns only once before, earlier this season, as then table-toppers Moranego edged out a 5 goal thriller at Ungaretti.
Dunfermline had gone in the lead courtesy of a beautiful goal by Maneschi, although the visitors did hit back and Frassinelli's late wonder goal proved little more than consolation for the Pars.
The Scots were somewhat still looking for their identity back then, though, an identity they've now found and one they're likely to carry on until the end of the season.

Leonardo Perugini will be presented with a selection headache, as his regulars are all available for selection ahead of the crunching match. Marco Semino will be deployed in goal and although Fabio Frassinelli could be a doubt owing to a slight form of flu, he should recover in time and be part of the defensive options alongside Fausto Crosetti and Davide Filippi.
In midfield, Flavio Lenza hasn't been disqualified as his red card against A Selesiun resulted as two bookings with the disciplinary panel, and Aldo Marletta is going to return from his one-game ban, as well as Mattia Maneschi is back in the fold. On top of those, Marco Cantelli, Fabio Boccaccio and Matteo Bovalino will also be in contention for up to 3 slots in the middle of the park.
Finally, Alberto Buccianti has been hit by a virus but he, too, should recover in time for the game.
Perugini's decisions about the squad for the match will be communicated tomorrow.


1 Semino

8 Filippi
10 Frassinelli
17 Crosetti

2 Boccaccio
5 Marletta
6 Cantelli
11 Bovalino
20 Maneschi
23 Lenza

9 Buccianti

MANAGER: Perugini
NOT INVOLVED: Lanata; Pittaluga; Strano, Miroglio, De Maria; Ganduglia, Gallo

2008/2009: Dunfermline - Moranego 2-3 (Maneschi, Frassinelli)

Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it


buon compleanno...

vedere davide, marco, bova, aldo e frassi...varcare la soglia del locale in toscana dove stavo festeggiando con gli amici toscanelli con i quali sono cresciuto....non ha prezzo!!!!...e ve lo sto scrivendo dal letto, con dolori vari e febbre a 37,8....per i bagordi della nottata....
che duri che siete!!!!...(così president almeno nel sito la scommessa l'hai vinta....ehehhe)
quell'immagine con cui filippi furtivamente apre la porta a vetri e li lascia passare uno dietro l'altro tutti e 4....mi rimarrà impressa nella mente ma soprattutto nel cuore a lungo...(very long)....grazie a tutti ragazzi....direi anche grazie a peru per la pazienza e il sarcasmo con cui risponeva ai mess dei 5 che lo sfottevano durante la notte(ma peru te non dormi mai?). Peru potevi venire anche te, che così ci sarebbe stato un posto per il ritorno anche per me...ahahha...però ho apprezzato molto il mess con cui dicevi che con me si può giocare anche in 6...ehehehe grande...il tuò realismo denota solo grandi capacità tecnico-tattiche...

voi ora sarete, in autostrada...a scherzare su quello successo di notte....mi sembra di vedervi....

e intanto manca una settimana al prossimo mach, contro una delle dirette concorrenti per i primi due posti....e dico che se l'intesa e l'entusiamo sono questi dimostrati durante la notte(certe ammucchiate....)...gli altri dovranno impegnarsi molto per batterci....
siamo noi i più forti e resta solo da dimostrarlo...

camon guys!!!





by Aldo Marletta

Genova, 20th Feb 09

La mia squalifica è stata ridotta da 2 ad 1 giornata, il che mi rende disponibile per il match col Moranego del 1° marzo prossimo.
Colgo l'occasione per fare il punto, in italiano, su quanto fino ad ora successo in questa stagione di Dunfermline.
Abbiamo iniziato in maniera tragicomica, soldi promessi da sponsors vari, arrivati a singhiozzo e non nella misura sperata, risultati che tardavano ad arrivare e nervosismo latente, in campo, e soprattutto fuori.
"Aldo non è più lo stesso" è stata una delle frasi che più mi hanno dato fastidio inizialmente, perché la trovavo estremamente inappropriata e non vera ma, ripensandoci in prospettiva, probabilmente non era così sbagliata.
Lungi da me cercare di trovare giustificazioni ai miei comportamenti errati, più (incazzatura per le sostituzioni) o meno (urla in campo nella partita di coppa contro il Mojito) recenti, mi sono sempre preso pienamente le mie responsabilità.

Questo anche a costo di risultare impopolare per posizioni troppo rigide, troppo categoriche, troppo impulsive, troppo inflessibili.
Qui bisogna essenzialmente scindere due argomenti uno dall'altro...
Per quanto riguarda l'amicizia, trovo che qualcuno si sia intromesso in un gruppo e, volente o nolente, involontariamente o proditoriamente, abbia compiuto azioni atte a scomporre il gruppo stesso, senza averne titolo, essendo stato introdotto da me medesimo all'interno della favolosa cerchia di goliardìa che si era venuta a creare.
Non ho mai chiesto a nessuno di schierarsi da una parte o dall'altra, col senno di poi posso ora porre un paio di domande:
- chi ha dato di più a questo progetto tra chi l'ha creato e chi ne è stato solo testimone temporaneo?
- chi è sempre (sempre) stato fedele a se stesso senza scendere a compromessi di comodo?

Non mi interessa distruggere una persona già schiaffeggiata dalla vita, mi interessa soltanto avere il diritto di esprimere le mie opinioni, giuste o sbagliate che siano, all'interno della suddetta cerchia di goliardìa. Ho il diritto di avere un gradimento o meno in merito alle persone che di questo gruppo fanno parte, totale o parziale, ho il diritto di non parlare a qualcuno se non ne ho voglia. Senza che per questo mi vengano attribuite azioni assurde e non veritiere (cancellazioni di membri da gruppi di facebook, io odio facebook), o rinfacciate mancanze altrui (non avremo più i filmini, chi se ne fotte). Sono stato abituato a stare a tavola con ogni tipo di persona, amici, nemici, persone stupende e facce di cazzo, non ho alcun problema. Semplicemente, non mi riescono bene i sorrisi di circostanza, almeno al di fuori dell'ambito lavorativo.

Per quanto riguarda il discorso "capitano", stessa storia. Non sta scritto da nessuna parte che lo debba fare io, così come non sta scritto da nessuna parte che io debba giocare ogni singolo minuto di ogni singola partita. Per come la vedo io, però, il capitano è la guida in campo e fuori, e deve essere legittimato dagli altri, fermo restando che ognuno si qualifica per ciò che fa e dice di giorno in giorno, nel calcio così come nella vita.
Ovviamente, il capitano deve anche fungere da "esempio" per gli altri, ragione per la quale mi scuso nuovamente per alcuni miei comportamenti poco in linea con quanto detto.

Tutto ciò ritenuto e premesso, andiamo avanti, punto a capo e vaffanculo, il peggio è passato e possiamo concentrarci sulla continuazione della nostra storia, ricordando che la storia si fa, non si ripete.
Una storia che è fatta da un Buccia allenatore perchè si rompe il crociato, un Buccia che quando torna in campo segna "di tutore" e per la stagione successiva segna sostanzialmente pallonate.
Quel Buccia, quello di "tutti dal Buccia", con Perugia e Cantelli che parlano tra di loro in inglese maccheronico e Drew che storpia i cognomi "Phelippe", "Parmigiani", "Fraznell".
Una storia che è fatta anche di una telefonata tra me e Matte che decidiamo a chi possa assomigliare Dino (e ci fermiamo qui, che è meglio...), e Dino stesso che canta un po' troppo forte in treno, dopo aver impersonato Wallace al Castello di Edimburgo (e noi prodi soldati di Scozia)...
Storia di un Semino che si fa venire a prendere a Spotorno per presenziare alle partite che contano, e dopo "pizzino...".
Una storia fatta da noi, rigoresbagliatosvantaggiosuautogoalpareggioevittoriaallultimosecondo contro il Sampierdarena (qualcuno ve lo mena), vittoria e saluti a Berto e "in serie b............".
Storia di un Dunfermline che va a conoscere IL Dunfermline, con Jim Leishman che ci accoglie e ci regala magliette di dubbio gusto - d'altra parte il budget è quello che è.

Una storia che, spero, si arricchirà di ulteriori aneddoti che possano coinvolgere anche i Crosetti, i Maneschi, i Boccaccio, i Lenza, insomma i nuovi che se avranno la pazienza di sopportarci e supportarci diventeranno i vecchi a loro volta.

Una storia che continuerà ad essere scritta, a cominciare da domani (e anche qui non diciamo niente di più...)

Tornando al campo, la prossima partita potrà forse scrivere anch'essa un pezzettino di narrazione. Ma non carichiamola di troppi significati, secondi o terzi cambia, ma con questa squadra non troppo...

Vi amo carnalmente


Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it


GAMEWEEK 15 - Results / League Table


Santorre - Uruk Hai 3-7
Costanzo 2, Parodi S. / Nardoni 2, Rondoni, Trentino 2, Fiordaliso, Ghio

Anni Settanta - Real Sampie 4-1
Portalupi, Tucci, Mazzone 2 / Sangermano

Dunfermline - A Selesiun 7-6
Cantelli 2, Buccianti 2, Boccaccio 3 / Quadro 2, Ghiglione, Intriago 3

Real Bonarda - Massacroni 1-5
Pavani / Pedroni 3, Mantelli, Luongo

WLF Genova - Granarolo Arci 3-3
Bagni, Pedemonte 2 / Capello, Chiapporino, Evangelista

Zena Caput Mundi - Moranego 5-1
Nicoli, Turra, Pennini 3 / Dassori

League Table

34 Massacroni
33 Moranego

29 Dunfermline
26 WLF Genova
24 Anni Settanta
20 Granarolo Arci
19 Uruk Hai
18 Real Sampie

16 A Selesiun
16 Zena Caput Mundi

15 Real Bonarda
7 Santorre

Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it


DUNFERMLINE - Stats Corner

2008/2009 SCORERS

14 Boccaccio (14 League, 0 Cup/Tournament)
13 Marletta (9, 4)
12 Buccianti (9, 3)
11 Cantelli (11, 0)
7 Maneschi (6, 1)
5 Gallo (4, 1)
3 Frassinelli (3, 0)
2 Lenza (2, 0)
1 Filippi (1, 0)
1 Ganduglia (1, 0)
1 Crosetti (1, 0)
1 Bovalino (1, 0)

71 Goals/17 Games - 4.17 Goals/Game


60 Marletta
51 Cantelli
39 Buccianti
16 Bovalino
15 Satta
14 Boccaccio
13 Gemignani
11 Di Noto
9 Frassinelli
7 Maneschi
6 Malvezzi
5 Gallo
3 Langella M
2 Filippi
2 Borreani
2 Sforza
2 Morelli
2 Guaraglia
2 Own Goals
1 Crosetti
1 Ganduglia
1 Orengo

272 Goals/70 Games - 3.88 Goals/Game


15 Frassinelli
14 Marletta
14 Buccianti
14 Filippi
14 Bovalino
12 Crosetti
12 Maneschi
9 Semino
7 Boccaccio
7 Cantelli
6 Lenza
6 Gallo
5 Perugini
3 Lanata
2 Pittaluga
1 Ganduglia
1 Strano
1 De Maria


59 Marletta
49 Frassinelli
48 Bovalino
42 Buccianti
40 Filippi
33 Cantelli
29 Semino
12 Crosetti
12 Maneschi
11 Perugini
7 Boccaccio
6 Lenza
3 Lanata
2 Pittaluga
1 Ganduglia
1 Strano
1 De Maria

MANAGER STATS - Leonardo Perugini

AVG 1.82 Pts/Game


WON 36
AVG 1.67 Pts/Game

Thanks to http://www.fornettogenovese.it/

ANALYSIS - A Selesiun

MARCO SEMINO had a nightmare of a night, especially in the second half as the opponents were often allowed to shoot (and score) from close range. He gave his decisive contribution with a marvellous save towards the end of the second period.

DAVIDE FILIPPI got injured on his 40th club appearance. He often tried to go forward and help the side create a few openings.

FAUSTO CROSETTI wasn't helped by his team-mates much, but he managed to block a few attacks effectively.

FABIO BOCCACCIO scored a stunning goal in the first half, and an excellent one in the second period too, before completing his hat-trick from the penalty spot.

MATTEO BOVALINO fought and ran throughout the whole game. Usual priceless contribution.

MARCO CANTELLI scored two important goals and led his team with the usual sparkling trickery.

FLAVIO LENZA was a bit edgy as he set foot onto the pitch in the second half, which culminated in his sending off.

ALBERTO BUCCIANTI produced a man-of-the-match performance, not only cos he scored the winning goal and another one, but also cos his deliveries and layoffs are always precious.

Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it


Dunfermline edged a 13-goal thriller to go back to winning ways and resume their run towards the playoff stage.
Frassinelli and Marletta were both suspended, while Maneschi was unavailable, but Lenza went back into the fold, even though he was benched, initially, with Perugini deploying Semino in goal, Filippi and Crosetti in defence, Bovalino in the middle of the park with Cantelli and Boccaccio flanking him and Buccianti playing the lone striker role upfront.
The Pars were quick off the blocks and took the lead minutes into the first half, as a luvely combination between Cantelli and Buccianti allowed the former to smash home to make it 1-0.
Dunfermline appeared on song throughout and Buccianti nodded a second in, as a long Filippi clearance was deflected home by the Tuscan striker from close range.
Minutes later, it was Boccaccio's turn to be applauded, as a marvellous half-volley from a delicious Cantelli delivery made it 3-0.
A Selesiun pulled one back with a long range effort, but Boccaccio was once again spot on, as he returned Cantelli the favour and tonight's captain made it 4-1.
The visitors, though, managed to pull one back before the half-time whistle.

HALF TIME: Dunfermline 4, A Selesiun 2

Lenza was introduced for Boccaccio when play resumed, and A Selesiun reduced their arrears further. Boccaccio in for Bovalino, and Dunfermline's No 2 capitalised on a wonderful layoff by Buccianti to fire home from outside the box and make it 5-3.
Dunfermline, though, appeared to be less and less interested in burying the game, which went to the advantage of Selesiun who managed to equalise at 5-5, before even taking the lead courtesy of some sloppy defending.
Cantelli had had another chance meanwhile, but his left-footed effort went wide from an excellent angle.
The Pars desperately needed to win this game and they sent their charges forward, which paid off as Buccianti was downed in the area and Boccaccio stepped up and converted the equalising penalty.
At 6-6, 3 minutes of stoppage time were awarded by referee Modica, and Buccianti made the most of a last-gasp free-kick to fire home, the ball cannoning off Selesiun's wall before flying into the top corner.
With seconds remaining, Semino produced a stunning save, before Lenza was given his marching orders for dissent.

FULL TIME: Dunfermline 7, A Selesiun 6

1 Semino
17 Crosetti
8 Filippi
2 Boccaccio (10 Lenza)
11 Bovalino
6 Cantelli (c)
9 Buccianti

MANAGER: Perugini
SCORERS: Cantelli 2 (1-0, 4-1), Buccianti 2 (2-0, 7-6), Boccaccio 3 (3-0, 5-3, 6-6 [pk])
CAUTIONS: Lenza (Y), Lenza (R)

Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it


PREVIEW - A Selesiun

Dunfermline beat A Selesiun by 2 goals to nil when the sides met in reverse fixtures earlier this season, courtesy of goals from Mattia Maneschi and Stefano Ganduglia.
Marco Semino, who produced one of his best performances of the season back then, will be between the posts once again on Sunday, thus recouping the No 1 jersey after missing out on the 3-3 draw against Real Bonarda, while Leonardo Perugini will only be deployed as manager of the team this time around.
In defence, Fabio Frassinelli will be serving a one-match-ban following his 3rd yellow card of the season in the league, leaving Perugini with only 2 recognised defenders in Fausto Crosetti and Davide Filippi.
The situation doesn't look any better in midfield, as Mattia Maneschi will be otherwise engaged and Aldo Marletta will be suspended.
Actually, the captain has received a two-game-ban following the mishaps in the game against Bonarda, but the decision has been appealed in a bid to have him available for the crunching game against current table-toppers Moranego, to be played on March 1st.
On the other hand, Flavio Lenza should be back in the fold, thus giving Perugini further options alongside Fabio Boccaccio, Matteo Bovalino and Marco Cantelli.
Alberto Buccianti should, yet again, play the lone striker role.


1 Semino

8 Filippi
17 Crosetti

2 Boccaccio
6 Cantelli
11 Bovalino
23 Lenza

9 Buccianti

MANAGER: Perugini

NOT INVOLVED: Lanata; Pittaluga, Frassinelli (ban); Marletta (ban), Maneschi, Strano, Miroglio, De Maria; Ganduglia, Gallo

2008/2009: A Selesiun - Dunfermline 0-2 (Maneschi, Ganduglia)

DUNFERMLINE - Last 5 games (w w w w d - 30 gf, 15 ga)
Massacroni - Dunfermline 3-4
Dunfermline - Santorre 8-3
Uruk Hai - Dunfermline 3-9
Dunfermline - Real Sampie 6-3
Dunfermline - Real Bonarda 3-3

A SELESIUN - Last 5 games (l w w w l - 15 gf 11 ga)
Anni Settanta - A Selesiun 4-3
A Selesiun - Zena Caput Mundi 3-1
Real Sampie - A Selesiun 2-4
Granarolo Arci - A Selesiun 1-2
A Selesiun - Moranego 3-4

Thanks to http://www.fornettogenovese.it/


GAMEWEEK 14 - Results/League Table


Santorre - WLF Genova 1-9
Costanzo / Medica, Frulla, Bagni 2, Pedemonte 3, Caraman 2

Dunfermline - Real Bonarda 3-3
Frassinelli, Boccaccio, Marletta / Gazzetta, Mascia 2

Granarolo Arci - Massacroni 4-6
Chiapporino 2, Losciale, Evangelista / Pedroni, Grieco 4, Luongo

Real Sampie - Zena Caput Mundi 4-2
Colosi, Cristiano, Lucentini, Martignone / Leonardi, Pennini

Uruk Hai - Anni Settanta 6-1
Granara, Caldirola, Martins Santos, Nardoni 2, Ghio / Mazzone

A Selesiun - Moranego 3-4
Ghiglione, Intriago, Gallo / Dassori, Poggi 2, Taddei

League Table

33 Moranego
31 Massacroni

26 Dunfermline
25 WLF Genova
21 Anni Settanta
19 Granarolo Arci
18 Real Sampie
16 A Selesiun

16 Uruk Hai
15 Real Bonarda

13 Zena Caput Mundi
7 Santorre

Thanks to http://www.fornettogenovese.it/


DUNFERMLINE - Stats Corner

2008/2009 SCORERS

13 Marletta (9 League, 4 Cup/Tournament)
11 Boccaccio (11, 0)
10 Buccianti (7, 3)
9 Cantelli (9, 0)
7 Maneschi (6, 1)
5 Gallo (4, 1)
3 Frassinelli (3, 0)
2 Lenza (2, 0)
1 Filippi (1, 0)
1 Ganduglia (1, 0)
1 Crosetti (1, 0)
1 Bovalino (1, 0)

64 Goals/16 Games - 4.00 Goals/Game


60 Marletta
49 Cantelli
37 Buccianti
16 Bovalino
15 Satta
13 Gemignani
11 Boccaccio
11 Di Noto
9 Frassinelli
7 Maneschi
6 Malvezzi
5 Gallo
3 Langella M.
2 Filippi
2 Borreani
2 Sforza
2 Morelli
2 Guaraglia
2 Own Goals
1 Crosetti
1 Ganduglia
1 Orengo

265 Goals/69 Games - 3.84 Goals/Game


15 Frassinelli
14 Marletta
13 Buccianti
13 Filippi
13 Bovalino
12 Maneschi
11 Crosetti
8 Semino
6 Gallo
6 Boccaccio
6 Cantelli
5 Lenza
5 Perugini
3 Lanata
2 Pittaluga
1 Ganduglia
1 Strano
1 De Maria


59 Marletta
49 Frassinelli
47 Bovalino
41 Buccianti
39 Filippi
32 Cantelli
28 Semino
12 Maneschi
11 Crosetti
11 Perugini
6 Boccaccio
6 Gallo
5 Lenza
3 Lanata
2 Pittaluga
1 Ganduglia
1 Strano
1 De Maria

MANAGER STATS - Leonardo Perugini

AVG 1.75 Pts/Game


WON 35
AVG 1.65 Pts/Game

Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it

ANALYSIS - Real Bonarda

LEONARDO PERUGINI was unfortunate and a bit careless as the 2-2 ball went in. That let alone, he tried his best.

DAVIDE FILIPPI was one of the best Pars on the pitch, constantly handling opponents effectively.

FABIO FRASSINELLI was a wee nervous and got yellow-carded, therefore he's going to miss the next game through suspension. However, he did remind everyone about his goalscoring abilities as he made the most of a corner to give Dunfermline the lead early on.

MATTEO BOVALINO only had a handful of minutes at his disposal. He did well in defence, one of many a positions he can cover on the pitch.

MATTIA MANESCHI often caused the opponents problems in the first half.

ALDO MARLETTA got back on the scoresheet with a free-kick, before being sent off for a lunge which sparked a bitter brawl.

FABIO BOCCACCIO scored yet again with an intelligently taken quick free kick. All in all a decent performance.

MARCO CANTELLI had a couple of interesting chances he couldn't capitalise on. The usual threat with the ball in his feet.

ALBERTO BUCCIANTI produced a sort of hockey-like powerplay, which is often the case.

Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it


Dunfermline's winning streak was halted at the unlikely and, after tonight, unfashionable, hands of Real Bonarda.
The final part of the game was marred by a disgraceful brawl which was triggered by a foul committed by Marletta and resulted in a sending off apiece.
Perugini deployed himself in goal, with Frassinelli and Filippi composing the back-two. Boccaccio was fielded in the middle of the park and flanked by Cantelli on the left and Maneschi on the right.
Dunfermline went quicker off the block and took the lead with virtually their first attempt on goal, as a brilliantly taken Boccaccio corner-kick was turned in goal by the oncoming Frassinelli.
The Pars looked self-assured on the pitch and could've gone two up, but they failed to make a couple of interesting openings count, before Bonarda equalised from just inside the box, following some sloppy defending on the part of the Fifers.
Cantelli had a glorious chance to re-establish them in the lead, but his fierce shot with his left from outside the area skimmed the far post.
Bonarda had a chance of their own but they sent their effort over the bar from an easy angle, before Boccaccio scored his 11th goal of the campaign.
Buccianti was brought down outside the box and Boccaccio took it quickly enough, to the surprise of the visitors who weren't expecting a rapid execution.
Dunfermline kept pushing on, but were denied on one or two occasions, and just as the half-time whistle was about to be blown, a blunder by Perugini gifted Real an equalising goal.
A tame effort appeared to have been handled by the player-manager, but the ball squeezed past his hands and slipped through his legs, to make the score 2-2.

HALF TIME: Dunfermline 2, Real Bonarda 2

Proceedings were resumed and Marletta and Bovalino were introduced for Maneschi and Filippi.
Minutes into the second half, Marletta grabbed his 13th of the season, and 60th for the club, as Cantelli was downed outside the box and Dunfermline's No 5 took the ensuing free-kick well enough to make it 3-2.
Marletta had another chance with a long range effort, which was turned out for a corner by Venticello, Bonarda's keeper.
The visitors, though, equalised yet again, as one of their forwards blatantly handled the ball, a breach the referee failed to spot as he waived to play on and the ball fell way too kindly for the easiest of finishes.
Boccaccio beautifully took another corner-kick, only for Buccianti to fail to make contact with the ball inches away from goal, then madness struck.
Marletta lunged at one of his opponents, but he was kicked back and soon surrounded by a host of Bonarda players and coaching staff, including a woman (!) punching and kicking the air in the process. Cantelli got also punched in the brawl, which ended up with Marletta's dismissal for foul play and that of the player against whom the foul had been committed.
Little happened from then on and the game languished to its squalid end with a 3-3 draw.

FULL TIME: Dunfermline 3, Real Bonarda 3

46 Perugini
8 Filippi (11 Bovalino)
10 Frassinelli
20 Maneschi (5 Marletta)
2 Boccaccio
6 Cantelli
9 Buccianti

MANAGER: Perugini
SCORERS: Frassinelli (1-0), Boccaccio (2-1), Marletta (3-2)
CAUTIONS: Frassinelli (Y), Boccaccio (Y), Marletta (R)

Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it


PREVIEW - Real Bonarda

Dunfermline will be on the hunt for a 7th successive league win as they take on Real Bonarda at their home ground Ungaretti on Sunday 8th February.
The Pars currently sit 3rd in the league table, while Bonarda occupy 9th position, just one point adrift of the playoff zone at the moment.
When these sides met in reverse fixtures earlier this term, Dunfermline were worthy 5-1 victors courtesy of goals from Gallo, Lenza, Cantelli and a brace from Maneschi, whose contibutions cancelled out the initial lead the hosts were provided with by Gazzetta.

Dunfermline No 1 Semino has been dispensed from featuring in this match, meaning that Perugini will exert his double capacity of coach and goalkeeper, while Crosetti is also expected to miss out on the game, with the defensive pack consisting of only Filippi and Frassinelli, although Bovalino, a natural midfield player, has been deployed in defence recently, with excellent results.
The other available midfielders will be Marletta, on the hunt for his 60th club goal, Boccaccio, Maneschi, and Cantelli, who will be looking to reach a landmark 50th goal for the club as well.
Upfront, Buccianti is the man and, should he manage a further hat-trick following the one against Real Sampie, he, too, would reach a significant contribution of 40 club goals.


46 Perugini

8 Filippi
10 Frassinelli

2 Boccaccio
5 Marletta
6 Cantelli
11 Bovalino
20 Maneschi

9 Buccianti

NOT INVOLVED: Semino, Lanata; Pittaluga, Crosetti; Miroglio, De Maria, Strano, Lenza; Gallo, Ganduglia

LAST 5 MATCHES (Dunfermline): w w w w w (30 gf, 12 ga)

Dunfermline - Granarolo Arci 3-0
Massacroni - Dunfermline 3-4
Dunfermline - Santorre 8-3
Uruk Hai - Dunfermline 3-9
Dunfermline - Real Sampie 6-3

LAST 5 MATCHES (Real Bonarda) w d l d d (20 gf 19 ga)

Real Bonarda - Moranego 7-3
Real Bonarda - Zena Caput Mundi 4-4
Granarolo Arci - Real Bonarda 5-2
Real Bonarda - WLF Genova 4-4
Real Bonarda - Santorre 3-3


2008/2009: Real Bonarda - Dunfermline 1-5
(Gazzetta / Maneschi 2, Gallo, Lenza, Cantelli)

Thanks to http://www.fornettogenovese.it/


GAMEWEEK 13 - Results / League Table


Anni Settanta - Moranego 2-3
Biondi, Schiaffino / Iesu, Poggi, Dassori

Dunfermline - Real Sampie 6-3
Cantelli 3, Buccianti 3 / Lucentini, Adornato, Sangermano

Massacroni - Uruk Hai 6-5
Megna, Grieco, Pedroni 2, Mantelli 2 / Nardoni 5

Real Bonarda - Santorre 3-3
D'Alessandra, Pavani 2 / Ceserini 3

Granarolo Arci - A Selesiun 1-2
Evangelista / Rinaldi, Quadro

WLF Genova - Zena Caput Mundi 3-2
Medica, Cingari, Pedemonte / Rossi S., Parladori


30 Moranego
28 Massacroni

25 Dunfermline
22 WLF Genova
21 Anni Settanta
19 Granarolo Arci
16 A Selesiun
15 Real Sampie

14 Real Bonarda
13 Zena Caput Mundi

13 Uruk Hai
7 Santorre

Thanks to http://www.fornettogenovese.it/


DUNFERMLINE - Stats Corner

2008/2009 SCORERS

12 Marletta (8 League, 4 Cup/Tournament)
10 Boccaccio (10, 0)
10 Buccianti (7, 3)
9 Cantelli (9, 0)
7 Maneschi (6, 1)
5 Gallo (4, 1)
2 Lenza (2, 0)
2 Frassinelli (2, 0)
1 Filippi (1, 0)
1 Ganduglia (1, 0)
1 Crosetti (1, 0)
1 Bovalino (1, 0)

61 Goals/15 Games - 4.06 Goals/Game


59 Marletta
49 Cantelli
37 Buccianti
16 Bovalino
15 Satta
13 Gemignani
11 Di Noto
10 Boccaccio
8 Frassinelli
7 Maneschi
6 Malvezzi
5 Gallo
3 Langella M.
2 Filippi
2 Borreani
2 Sforza
2 Morelli
2 Guaraglia
2 Own Goals
1 Crosetti
1 Ganduglia
1 Orengo

262 Goals/68 Games - 3.85 Goals/Game


14 Frassinelli
13 Marletta
12 Buccianti
12 Filippi
12 Bovalino
11 Crosetti
11 Maneschi
8 Semino
6 Gallo
5 Lenza
5 Boccaccio
5 Cantelli
4 Perugini
3 Lanata
2 Pittaluga
1 Ganduglia
1 Strano
1 De Maria


58 Marletta
48 Frassinelli
46 Bovalino
40 Buccianti
38 Filippi
31 Cantelli
28 Semino
11 Crosetti
11 Maneschi
10 Perugini
6 Gallo
5 Boccaccio
5 Lenza
3 Lanata
2 Pittaluga
1 Ganduglia
1 Strano
1 De Maria

MANAGER STATS - Leonardo Perugini

AVG 1.80 Pts/Game


WON 35
AVG 1.66 Pts/Game

Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it


Cantelli and Buccianti both scored vital hat-tricks to help Dunfermline secure a 6th successive league win.
Dunfermline went 2-0 up before Sampie completed a marvelous comeback either side of the interval to get to a 3-2 lead.
Dunfermline then hit back and made their own comeback, ending on a happy note and on the good end of a 6-3 scoreline.

FULL TIME: Dunfermline 6, Real Sampie 3

1 Semino
8 Filippi
11 Bovalino (10 Frassinelli)
2 Boccaccio
5 Marletta [c] (20 Maneschi)
6 Cantelli
9 Buccianti

MANAGER: Perugini
SCORERS: Cantelli 3, Buccianti 3

Thanks to www.fornettogenovese.it