To those who know me well enough, it'll come as little surprise to realise that Scotland - and Dunfermline, in particular - is as much of a promised land to me as Australia is to surfers.
The best bit, the really outstanding bit in this whole thing about us going to Scotland, to know "the real thing", the real Dunfermline Athletic Football Club, is the spirit and the togetherness we've shown so far this season.
On and off the pitch, we've been a bunch of lads - and ladies, we shouldn't forget about our beloved supporters - enjoying our time together, obviously the results have massively contributed to this feeling, but it's not only aiming high in terms of results that you create a project like this.
A trip to Scotland is likely to perfectly cap what has been an enthusing season so far, even more so because this is indeed going to be OUR SCOTLAND.
We surely remember about the man (?, c'mon sue us) who'd promised everything to us, including this trip to Scotland.
It wasn't to be, real men do hold on to their promises, and do not make any promises they're not capable of holding on to, at the very least.
We surely remember about the kid who tried to punch one of his team-mates because he'd been told not to weep like a child as we were conceding a few too many goals in a friendly game we ended up winning instead. Well, litte kid, we always tried to let you understand that if a defence package is cynical enough, clinical enough, and essential enough, we would probably win more games. Now he's not with us anymore, we do indeed have the best defence in the league.
We surely remember about the bald dwarf and his claim for a regular place in the first team. The funniest thing about the dwarf, though, was that he hid in the dark while witnessing the early signs of improvement since his dismissal. It was Dunfermline 3, Compagnia 3, and it matters not that result was later overturned by an FA decision, fair enough... Why would you hide in the dark if you didn't feel guilty? Or ashamed? And, why would you not be ashamed if you knew your looks and way of thinking?
We surely remember about the skinny idiot, that half-winger half-striker half-man half-gay who still owes money to some of us.
Well, at least he works for someone as decent (?, c'mon sue us again) as he is now.
Such a digression may appear inappropriate or hatred-motivated, but it isn't. Rather, I think our common feeling about those guys is... pity. I feel sorry for them, struggling in other teams, nowhere near where we are.
We've managed to overcome the trouble caused by the all promising man, we got ourselves an excellent partner and support in Fornetto Genovese (you'll always have your space in our hearts, no matter what...) and we're now prepared to take to Scotland. Our Scotland.
We're paying for it, it is on our terms, it is ours. Not anyone else's. Ours.
So, while thinking the best way to cap this season would be promotion - ehrr... let's stop it here, we've still got a long long way to go - our Scotland is a great achievement in itself already, and we're raring to go. Well, five days from now... We'll be there, we shall see...
... if you could only see all the things I saw on the walk back towards home...
Thanks to